You'd be forgiven if you thought that was being sarcastic! However, I really do wish everyone what we all hope will be a better year than we've all just had.
Whether you were for or against, Brexit is happening, the rollout of vaccines will accelerate and our lives will be changed. There will be ups and downs but we will get through it and, overall, we should end 2021 feeling more optimistic.
However, as we, coleman & coleman, move into 2021 we find our selves, yet again, under lockdown in the form of Tier 4! This should be short lived but, as we all know, it takes a while for the effects of the regulations to appear in the depressing daily Covid case figures.
I would like to thank all our lovely customers for their continued support in these very difficult times and I very much look forward to seeing you all again in 2021! Stay safe and well, be kind and look after your loved ones.
Best wishes,